
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year Naga Bloody Mary

If you are feeling anything like I am this morning then you will need this.
Don't get me wrong, New Year's Eve last night was fantastic fun and I thoroughly enjoyed myself but today my head wishes I had said no to that last glass of fizz.

I need a pick me up and I need it quickly.
This most definitely hits the spot and helps to make me feel alive again.  I planned ahead and test ran this drink a few days ago in anticipation for today.  I'm glad I did.  I hope you excuse the lack of text today.  Hangovers and bright screens don't mix well!

My sister gave me this vodka as a gift for Christmas and it has certainly earned its keep in the week or so since I received it.  If you are using it and haven't tried it before, go easy.  It is murderously hot so start with a drizzle and add more if you can take it.  You can always go half and half with regular vodka!  If you don't have this particular chilli vodka, substitute for another brand, or if you don't have any at all just use regular (good quality) vodka and chop a red birds eye chilli into it for that extra kick.
Seasonings are to my taste - adjust as you wish!

So...for the ultimate hangover cure

1/2 shot 100 000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka
1 shot regular vodka
Lots of ice
Fill up your glass with tomato juice then add:

Squeeze of lemon
Sprinkle of celery salt
Few drops of Worcestershire sauce
Few drops of Tabasco
Salt and pepper
Stir and garnish with a stick of fresh celery.

Drink and wait for that hangover to magically disappear!


  1. This sounds absolutely delish! I am going to try and hunt down this vodka stateside.

    1. It's by the Hot Enough Vodka Company and I'm sure they or their stockists ship! Masters of Malt definitely carry it as does Amazon! Firebox does an Instant Regret version which is around the same heat level. Enjoy!
