
Monday, 25 February 2013

Saying Yes

About 6 months ago my arm got twisted quite severely by the lovely Chairwoman of my amateur dramatics group, The Canterbury Players, who talked me into directing for the first time.

I was very, very reluctant.  I wasn't sure I would have the time, I wasn't sure what play to do and frankly I was terrified.  I've never directed before and I did not have the first blue clue where to start.

I said Yes.
I've been saying Yes a lot more recently, and it has opened up so many new experiences for me.  I said Yes to joining the Players in the first place - walking into that room two and a half years ago to join in a workshop on my own was one of the hardest - and best - things I have done since I got married.  To date I have acted in 4 plays and stage managed 2 as well as directing this current one, all with next to no previous experience.

I have also got an amazing group of friends from the Players, one of whom I am bridesmaid to in six months time.  For me the Players has been socially life changing.

I said Yes to blogging.  I said Yes to gaming.  I even said Yes to Karaoke - although to be fair most other people in the pub wish I had said No to that one.

Saying Yes to directing has been a revelation.  It has been hard work, really hard work and a lot of extra hours on top of my day job (we rehearse three nights a week from 7.30-10pm and that does not include the time spent outside of rehearsal on prep work for the play) but I have been so blessed in the team that I have around me.  I have a marvelous assistant director who knows far more than I do, has held my hand throughout it and has caught my eye every time I needed reassuring.  I've got a wonderful support team looking after my marketing and reminding me about niggly details I need to take care of and offers of support left right and center from other, more experienced members of the group for which I am so grateful.  

I've got an incredible cast who have risen to the challenge of a demanding play - one that involves them being extremely physical on stage, remembering a lot of movement, quick fire lines and the small issue of jumping between characters on stage, sometimes within the same sentence.
I have loved every single second of it so far.

We are now in the final rehearsal stages - curtain goes up on the opening night in exactly 16 days time and one of the performances is dedicated to Comic Relief (hence the noses in the picture above).  Most of the publicity has now been done, all that remains is to finalise the sound and lighting designs, get into the theatre, tighten up some of scenes and sell the tickets!  I will do a separate blog post of the play itself though - I feel that I owe 'Teechers' that much!

Saying Yes to something new teaches you so much about yourself.  It's a mantra I hope I keep for the rest of my life - at least a couple of new experiences every year.

What have you said Yes to recently?

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